
Pediatric Sports Injuries

Pediatric Sports Injuries

<strong>Pediatric Sports Injuries</strong>

Your child’s involvement in sports is an exciting time. However, in the back of your head, you may be nervous about the potential of sports injuries.

The good news about sports injuries is that while they are common, they can be prevented and treated with the help of a pediatric therapist. Growing athletes are different from adult patients due to their unique needs and physical demands during peak developmental periods of life. Our pediatric therapists at Skills on the Hill in Washington, DC and Arlington, VA understand the physical, mental, and emotional challenges facing young athletes and are equipped with the tools they need to succeed in their sports development!

Call us today to learn more about our treatment plans and find out if pediatric therapy is right for your child! 

What Sports Injuries Do Children Commonly Face?

Sports injuries that we typically see in therapy include:

  • Ankle sprains: An ankle sprain occurs when the ligaments that support the ankle stretch beyond their limits, causing damage to the area. 
  • ACL tears: ACL is the tissue that connects the thigh bone to the shinbone at the knee. When it is stretched too far, it can cause a tear to occur. Most ACL injuries happen during sports such as basketball, soccer, and tennis.
  • Concussion: A concussion is an injury caused by a bump, blow, or jolt to the head. Concussions are most frequently seen in football, gymnastics, wrestling, and other contact sports.
  • Little-League elbow: Little League elbow is an overuse injury to the elbow caused by repetitive movement. This injury is most commonly seen in baseball, softball, tennis, and golf.
  • Shin splints: Shin splints are the result of overuse along the shinbone, the large front bone in the lower leg. Running, jumping, and kicking movements can cause shin splints to develop over time.
  • Post-fracture recovery: Pediatric therapy can aid in the recovery process following surgery or medical attention due to a fracture. 

How Does Pediatric Therapy Help?

Pediatric therapy is an excellent option for treating sports injuries and can help your child become active again with little downtime. Pediatric therapy can help decrease inflammation, restore range of motion, and build muscle strength. In addition, we can reduce uncomfortable symptoms that your child may be experiencing. 

Some techniques that we use to treat our young athletes include:

  • Therapeutic exercises: Our pediatric therapists often prescribe specific exercises tailored to your child’s condition. These exercises focus on improving strength, balance, and range of motion.
  • Education & injury prevention strategies: In addition to treating injuries, it’s important that we teach you and your child about future injuries. We’ll provide education on injury prevention techniques, such as proper warm-up exercises, stretching routines, and the use of protective equipment. In addition, we’ll teach your child exercises, stretches, and other techniques to perform at home, which will promote recovery progression.
  • Manual therapy: This treatment method involves hands-on techniques performed by our pediatric therapists. Manual techniques help provide relief from any discomfort your child may be feeling and can help ease muscle tension so they can move better. 
  • Functional training: Our pediatric therapists often integrate functional training into treatment plans. This helps children regain their ability to perform activities required for their daily tasks or specific sports. Functional training may involve simulating sport-specific movements or training your child in proper body mechanics.

What to Expect From Pediatric Therapy Sessions

Pediatric rehabilitation at Skills on the Hill begins with a comprehensive assessment of your child’s injury, symptoms, and any other important health factors or details we should know. You can ask any questions or express concerns you may have about treatment, and we’ll be happy to answer them. Our goal is to make pediatric therapy as comfortable and rewarding for your child as possible!

Following the initial consultation, your child’s therapist will design a treatment plan that is customized to their specific condition, unique needs, and recovery goals. As rehabilitation continues, we’ll tailor the treatment plan to match your child’s progress and focus on helping them make a safe return to sports.

Book an Appointment Today!

If your child has experienced a sports injury, it’s time to give Skills on the Hill a call! Our pediatric therapists are compassionate about our patients’ recovery and equipped with all the tools they need to succeed in therapy. 

Request an appointment at our clinic to get started!
